Sunday, November 25, 2012

company team building event 2012


23 Nov 2012, my office closed due to annual team building event. Yeah!! no need to work..tee heee..For me, this year would be the most meaningful team building event. We co-operated with NTUC elder cares centre, as a volunteer to play, to have fun and to entertain elderly to make them have a heartwarming memories.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

First Message

Husband sent a text to wife at night, "Hi babe I will get late, please try and wash all my dirty clothes and make sure you prepare my favourite dish before I return."

He sent another text, "Babe I forgot to tell you that I got an increase in my salary at the end of the month I'm getting you a new car"

She text back,"Omg really?"

Husband replied, "No I just wanted to make sure you got my first message."

Haha...just a joke! Such a clever idea...XOXO

Happy Weekend! 


Thursday, November 8, 2012

My Ambros

It's been a while since I last did exercise. I do agree that I'm not such person having sport cells potential, hence sport is a tough for me. Anyway, I make this as my week target, I told myself that need to do at least 30 minutes exercise a week. Well, don't laugh..I know this might be a pretty easy job for you.

The first thing that I need to do is --- purchase a sport shoes. This is the first sport shoes that I really bought for exercise and hope it will give me driving force to determine my plan. Just wanna to show some photo of my sport shoes, well, neither Nike nor Adidas. It just a normal brand, Ambros, RM80 and I'm not that person who keep pursue those branded stuff, comfortable come first. I fall on this sport shoes at my first sight,the design and the color match, is grey and hot pink! I wouldn't choose the white base sport shoes, as it will get dirty easily and I'm so lazy to clean it up. Grey color just suit me, haha!

Yeah, it's time for exercise! Went to gym at last weekend to start my fitness plan, it situated at community club nearby my HDB. This is the first time I go to gym for exercise, I did running for 30minutes and bike for 30minutes. But it may a bit boring for me exercise in a room, keep facing the wall and sport machine only. I decide to go to the park for exercise next time, at least there have the scenery and fresh air.

Mission Completed!!!


The difference between the possible and the impossible lies in a person determination

Sunday, November 4, 2012


拋開工作的煩惱 抽離各種生活上的角色
回到真真的自己 輕鬆 釋放 無壓力
我喜歡這種感覺 好久沒這麼自在了
有個舒適的環境 享受一個人的周末

《有些事 現在不做, 一輩子都不會做了》
一本簡單易懂 啟發你去思考的書
它讓我瞬間 有改變自我的勇氣
讓我想停下盲目的腳步 認認真真地去思考
目標 未來 人生 夢想

其中一頁 它要你回答書中的問題
讓你寫下答案 然后把答案粘在最明顯的角落
讓你所承諾的答案 來激勵你去實現

簡單的問題 但答案卻可以很有深度
希望你們也可以花十分鐘 去思考
改變從現在開始 不拖延
堅持自己的目標 前進吧!

 週末愉快 =)